


毛伊大学学院致力于为所有学生提供平等的学术课程, 教育项目, 及相关服务. All UH Maui College students with documented disabilities, 永久的或临时的, 自愿向住宿服务办公室披露残疾状况的学生,在完成入学手续后,是否可获提供合理的学术住宿. 学生需要学术住宿建议联系住宿服务顾问, Kēhau纽豪斯, 电话:808-984-3227或电子邮件 uhmcds@sh-fyz.com 寻求帮助. 可视电话中继服务是1(200)203-9685, TTY中继服务电话:711或1(877)447-5990, or the Text Telephone (TT) Relay Service at 808-643-8833. Advance notice is requested so that services may be arranged on a timely basis. 更多信息可在 住宿服务网页.




“基本需求包括食物和住房, childcare, 心理健康, 财政资源和交通, 等. Student basic needs security is critical for ensuring strong academic performance, persistence and graduation and overall student well being. If you or someone you know is experiencing basic needs insecurity, view the 学生基本需要网站.


如果您需要个人咨询服务,请联系下面列出的咨询师. For personal counseling appointments please email mauipsc@sh-fyz.com; if it is an emergency, please contact Chris Yanuaria at cy9@hawaii.Edu或致电808-984-3463. For emergency appointments, please contact our counseling department at 808-984-3306.

  • Direct Line: 808-984-3255; From campus phone 255
  • 保安电话:808-298-8013
  • Police Emergency: 911; Police Non-Emergency 808-244-6400
UH Alerts

强烈鼓励毛伊大学学院社区的所有成员注册接收紧急短信/文本和电子邮件广播警报. UH Alert紧急通知系统在发生自然灾害时向全球网赌十大网站社区发出警报, 健康或民事紧急情况,影响全球网赌十大网站社区的健康和安全或整个校园关闭. To 注册这些提醒,打开浏览器,用你的 sh-fyz.com 电子邮件地址,并按照说明操作.


If you are receiving financial aid and are contemplating not completing the semester, 在您退出之前,强烈建议您联系财务援助办公室(808)984-3277或发送电子邮件至 mauifa@sh-fyz.com to discuss the impact this decision may have on your financial aid eligibility.


FY designated courses are “First Year Experience" or FYE classes. FYE的所有部分都旨在将您与已知的策略联系起来,以支持学生通过职业探索取得成功, 建立同伴联系, 对接校园资源, and supporting academic skills using the Kaʻao framework. Visit the FYE website or email fyemaui@sh-fyz.com 了解更多信息.


Do you need a quiet, clean, and secure place to feed your baby on campus?

Contact:  全球网赌十大网站 Human Resource Office (ask for 哺乳室 access)


哺乳室 Hours:  8am to 4pm, M-F except Holidays


It is the 大学政策 提供公平的高等教育机会, 无论是作为教育使命还是作为雇主. The university is committed to comply with all State and Federal statutes, rules, 以及禁止歧视的法规. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, 性别认同与表达, age, religion, color, 国家的起源, ancestry, citizenship, disability, 遗传信息, 婚姻状况, 母乳喂养, 子女抚养费收入分配, arrest and court record (except as permissible under state law), 性取向, 国民警卫队缺勤, 或者作为参保老兵的身份. This policy covers admission and access to and participation, treatment, and employment in the university’s programs and activities. Discriminatory harassment, including 性骚扰, is prohibited under this policy. The university shall promote a full realization of equal opportunity through a positive, 在每个校园继续推行非歧视和平权行动计划(美国联邦法规第41章第60章).

夏威夷大学社区学院(UHCC)提供各种职业和技术教育(CTE)课程,可获得科学副学士(AS)和应用科学副学士(AAS)学位, 以及中学后的证书. 而所有UHCC校区都采用开放获取政策, 项目录取可能基于完成适用的课程/考试先决条件,一些UHCC项目还适用其他录取标准. 缺乏英语技能不会成为入学或参加CTE课程的障碍.

For language assistance, contact the campus admissions office. For questions about the UHCC Nondiscrimination Policy, 联系Title IX/EEO/AA协调员Shawna Pabingwit(808-984-3601)或UHCC系统协调员(808-965-4564).


The 安全区计划 exists to create and maintain a positive social, academic, and employment environment at UH Maui College for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, 以及酷儿+ (LGBTQ+)教师, staff, 和学生. 该计划确保州法律和UH政策的执行,禁止基于性取向的骚扰和歧视. For more information on the UH system-wide Safe Zone program, call 808-956-9250.


全球网赌十大网站 supports a positive educational environment that will benefit student success. In order to ensure this vision, 全球网赌十大网站 has established the 全球网赌十大网站学生行为准则 to ensure the protection of student rights and the health and safety of the community, as well as to support the efficient operation of all programs. 毛伊岛大学的学生行为准则规定了学生的预期行为,并规定了受到大学制裁的行为. Students should familiarize themselves with the 学生行为准则, 从毛伊大学学院入学开始, 学生必须遵守大学及其正式成立的机构的政策和规定. Contact: Office of the Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs – Kulamanu Ishihara, vorhies@sh-fyz.com 电话:808-984-3515


作为一个公共机构, UH Maui College exists to serve those in our community with excellence and transparency. Our staff and faculty members are committed to providing students, 按照州和联邦法律法规的要求,全面披露其家庭和校园社区的所有消费信息. In addition to maintaining the quality of our programs, 这些政策满足了学生的知情权,并为学生提供了充分知情的机会,让他们对自己选择就读的院校做出选择. The Student Right-To-Know / Consumer Information website page 是为了补充全球网赌十大网站目录和其他出版物中提供的信息. 根据适用于全球网赌十大网站学校的某些州和联邦法律,本网站还用于通知当前和未来的学生有关消费者信息的可用性和位置.

Title IX

The University of Hawai‘i is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, 相互尊重,不存在任何形式的性别歧视和性别暴力, 包括性侵犯, 性骚扰, 性剥削, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪.  If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these, the University has staff and resources on your campus to support and assist you.  Staff can also direct you to community partners and resources. 

如果你想保持匿名, 与某人秘密交谈, or would like to receive information and support in a CONFIDENTIAL setting:

  • 全球网赌十大网站个人支持顾问
    Pilina 121
    808-984-3463, mauipsc@sh-fyz.com
  • Nicole " Cole " Sasaoka,保密律师,儿童 & 家庭服务
    Pilina 121
    808-357-8260, nsasaoka@cfs-hawaii.org
  •  汉娜利特,MS, APRN, CNM
    808-984-3493, healthct@sh-fyz.com

如果你想举报性别歧视或基于性别的暴力事件,包括性侵犯, 性骚扰, 基于性别的骚扰, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力 or stalking as well as receive information and support:

  • Shawna Pabingwit, 全球网赌十大网站第九条协调员
    Pilina 121
    808-984-3601, martinsh@sh-fyz.com
  • Laura Nagle, 全球网赌十大网站 Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
    Pilina 137
    808-984-3475, llees@sh-fyz.com
  • Barbara Ornellas, 全球网赌十大网站 Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees
    808-984-3381, barbarao@sh-fyz.com

作为大学教员的一员, 我必须立即向校园第九条协调员报告任何性别歧视或基于性别的暴力事件. Although the Title IX Coordinator and I cannot guarantee confidentiality, you will still have options about how your case will be handled.  我的目标是确保您了解可供选择的范围,并能够获得所需的资源和支持. 

For more information regarding sex discrimination and gender-based violence, 请浏览大学的网页 Title IX resources and the University’s Policy, Interim EP 1.204 and our 学院的第九条网站


请检查你的夏威夷.Edu email daily. 教练, 行政管理和其他校园计划将经常发送重要信息,包括通知课程取消和重要的截止日期.